Best Time to Run Your Filtration Pump During the Summer in the Valley

Many people run their pumps at night to save money due to decreased energy tier times, however it is highly ineffective and will result in much higher costs and much more time.

During the day when the sun is hitting your pool and when your pool gets the most use are the most important times that your pool needs a sanitizer such as chlorine filtrating through your system set up. Algae needs the sun to survive so not running the pump during the day gives algae free access to grow. When the water is running through the system, it is also moving the chlorine which makes it much harder for the chlorine to burn off from the ultraviolet light.

It might be cheaper to run the pump at night, but in order to maintain a healthy pool you should be running it a minimum of 10 hours during the day. Running the pump at night is only necessary when you are doing a chemical treatment such as algae clean up. A great example is how plants use daylight for photosynthesis for food. This is exactly what algae does in the pool if chlorine is not moving through your pump. In the long run, it will be cheaper to run the pump during the day so you don’t end up having to take more extreme and expensive measures to treat the pool.


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