In-Floor Pop Up Cleaners and How They Work

Happy New Year! I’m sure everyone is glad we are done with 2020!

What is an in-floor pop up cleaning system?

An in-floor pool cleaning system uses pop up cleaners on the bottom of the pool to blow pressurized water that will rid the pool of dirt and debris. They’re called pop ups because they literally pop out of the pool floor to clean and then retract again when they're done. When they are not being used, they lay flush with the pool bottom so you don’t notice them in your pool. These are something that is installed when a pool is being built as all of the plumbing is underneath the bottom of the pool.


How does an in-floor pop up system work?

Each pop up has a simple mechanism: it sprays pressurized, filtered water in a certain direction to move the dirt and debris towards the main drain of the pool. The drain then sucks in the dirt and debris so you can easily remove it later.


What kind of in ground pool can in-floor pop up systems work with?

An in-floor pop up system can be used on any kind of in ground pool including fiberglass, concrete, and vinyl liner pools.



If one of the pop up heads breaks down, the whole system can stop working effectively. Sometimes you won’t be able to notice because an o-ring or the PVC body can be damaged. You can also experience issues with the main water valve or with the water pressure going to the pop ups. We recommend watching your system every few weeks to make sure all of the pop up heads are in good, working order to maximize your pop up cleaning system.

If you have any issues with your pop-up cleaning system such as a broken pop up head or if the system just isn’t working efficiently let Matt’s Pool Service get you back up and running!


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